Prom Dress Shopping


Getting those prom look books in your mailbox? Well, it’s that time of the year that every girl that is going to prom looks forward to. Prom dress shopping can be very exciting, yet very stressful.

“What if I don’t like my dress anymore by time prom comes around?” is the very sentence that haunts every girl going to prom. When shopping for your dress, make sure you know you will be in love with that amazing dress on the day of prom. If ordering your dress online, go to a local dress shop and find your dress size, so that there are no surprises when your dress is delivered. If you don’t want to spend an arm and a leg for your dress, there is the Prom-O-Rama event, where you can sell your dresses and also buy used dress that are just as amazing as the ones in the boutiques.

Also, ladies, make sure you get some amazing (and comfortable) shoes. Not only will you have a stunning dress, but your shoes will make you stand out even more! When searching for prom dresses, go with a group of friends, so you can get an honest opinion of how you look in your dress. Remember, this is constructive criticism, so don’t take it personally; your friends just want to make sure you look amazing on the red carpet. Through all of the stress of finding a dress, however, comes the satisfaction that you will look gorgeous when May 10th rolls around. See ya on the red carpet on May 10th, ladies (and gentlemen)!

Chantal Brooks

Northeast Basketball


The Varsity Boys and Girls Basketball season has been an interesting one. The girls’ standing is 8-15 overall, and 4-10 in the district. Throughout the season, the girls have had played hard, and had some close games. The girls have beat Springfield, Clarksville High, and Northwest. The boys have also had some interesting games. The boys’ standing is 9-16 overall, and 5-9 in the district. They have beat Clarksville High, Northwest, West Creek, Springfield, and Rossview. This week is the beginning of districts. The girls will play at Kenwood on February 13 at 7:00 P.M. The boys will play at West Creek on February 14. Come out and support you Eagles!


Chantal Brooks



It’s the final semester of the school year, and teachers are beginning to crack down on their students. Your classes may seem difficult now, but just think if you keep an A in your classes both nine weeks, you will be exempt from your final exams. However, if you’re taking a semester class, you automatically have to take the final exam (Yes, I know, it sucks!). Just encourage yourself and your peers around you to strive to keep A’s in all of your classes, whether that means going to tutoring every week or not hanging out with your friends after school to get in some extra study time. No teacher at Northeast wants to see their students fail, so if you need help just ask the teacher; it will benefit you at the end of the semester when final exams start and you are exempt and get to sleep in while everyone else is at school! Even if you can’t seem to keep an A in the class, just make sure you prepare yourself for the final exam. Most teachers take questions from previous tests, so always look back on those. If you’re up for it, make a study group when exams are about to start. Just make sure you are studying rather than talking about other things. Throughout the semester, these are things that can possibly help you get an A both nine weeks and you’ll be exempt from the final exam. Have faith in yourself, you can do it!

Chantal Brooks

The Oscars: 2014


It’s that time of year again! The time to judge what people wear and pretend to have seen movies you will actually never see in your life! It’s award season! The Oscars are coming up in March, and I don’t know about you, but I am very excited! The nominees have already been announced and here are some of them (AKA the important ones)…

Best Picture:

American Hustle
Captain Phillips
Dallas Buyers Club
12 Years a Slave
The Wolf of Wall Street

Best Actor in a Leading Role:

Christian Bale (American Hustle)
Bruce Dern (Nebraska)
Leonardo DiCaprio (The Wolf of Wall Street)
Chiwetel Ejiofor (12 Years a Slave)
Matthew McConaughey (Dallas Buyers Club)

Best Actress in a Leading Role:

Amy Adams (American Hustle)
Cate Blanchett (Blue Jasmine)
Sandra Bullock (Gravity)
Judi Dench (Philomena)
Meryl Streep (August: Osage County)

Best Actor in a Supporting Role:

Barkhad Abdi (Captain Phillips)
Bradley Cooper (American Hustle)
Michael Fassbender (12 Years a Slave)
Jonah Hill (The Wolf of Wall Street)
Jared Leto (Dallas Buyers Club)

Best Actress in a Supporting Role:

Sally Hawkins (Blue Jasmine)
Jennifer Lawrence (American Hustle)
Lupita Nyong’o (12 Years a Slave)
Julia Roberts (August: Osage County)
June Squibb (Nebraska)

Best Animated Feature:

The Croods
Despicable Me 2
Ernest & Celestine
The Wind Rises

Best Cinematography:

The Grandmaster (Philippe Le Sourd)
Gravity (Emmanuel Lubezki)
Inside Llewyn Davis (Bruno Delbonnel)
Nebraska (Phedon Papamichael)
Prisoners (Roger A. Deakins)

Best Costume Design:

American Hustle (Michael Wilkinson)
The Grandmaster (William Chang Suk Ping)
The Great Gatsby (Catherine Martin)
The Invisible Woman (Michael O’Connor)
12 Years a Slave (Patricia Norris)

Best Director:

American Hustle (David O. Russell)
Gravity (Alfonso Cuarón)
Nebraska (Alexander Payne)
12 Years a Slave (Steve McQueen)
The Wolf of Wall Street (Martin Scorsese)

Best Original Song:

“Alone Yet Not Alone” (Alone Yet Not Alone)
“Happy” (Despicable Me 2)
“Let It Go” (Frozen)
“The Moon Song” (Her)
“Ordinary Love” (Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom)

Best Adapted Screenplay:

Before Midnight (Richard Linklater, Julie Delpy, Ethan Hawke)
Captain Phillips (Billy Ray)
Philomena (Steve Coogan, Jeff Pope)
12 Years a Slave (John Ridley)
The Wolf of Wall Street (Terence Winter)

Best Original Screenplay:

American Hustle (Eric Warren Singer, David O. Russell)
Blue Jasmine (Woody Allen)
Dallas Buyers Club (Craig Borten, Melisa Wallack)
Her (Spike Jonze)
Nebraska (Bob Nelson)

Who do you think will win? Leave your favorite picks in the comments below! Make sure you tune in on March 2nd to watch Ellen DeGeneres host the Oscars and find out who wins!!!

Abbey Brass

Throwback Thursday dance!

The NEHS Track team will be hosting a Throw Back dance Thursday, February 7th, from 5 to 8. Tickets are only 3$!

What better way to chime in the month than to step back through the decades? Surely there will be some disco dancing 70’s, some rocking 80’s and nostalgic 90’s. Me? I’m more of a 19th century dresser myself; I enjoy being different and so should you! The throw back dance is the perfect opportunity to do just that, and the funds go to a good cause; to support our state champion track team! Tickets will be on sale during lunch for only 3$, at a price like that, you could even get tickets for your friends and further the fun!


– Dylan Kellogg

Valentine’s Day 2014


Not much longer until Valentine’s Day! February 14th is just around the corner, so it’s time to buy chocolate, flowers, cute stuffed animals and cards for your valentine! If you don’t already have a valentine, you better hurry up before all the best people are gone. Of course, for those with boyfriends or girlfriends, you already have a valentine. Make it extra special for your boyfriend/girlfriend! Go above and beyond, because that’s what Valentine’s Day is all about. Show the love, with food and creativity. Cook them a special meal, give them gorgeous jewelry, propose if you really want to make an impression!

I’m kidding about the proposing part, unless you really want to. Puppies are always the best gift to give, by the way. Nobody could ever possibly be disappointed by a puppy! Valentine grams are  offered at Northeast, you can buy them in the cafeteria during lunch. Enjoy the holiday of love!


-Katherine Mimms

Midterm Exams!

It’s that time of year… the dreaded exams and the anxiously awaited winter break! Just think, only 7 exams and we get 18 days of no school, no teachers, hopefully no homework (unless you have one of THOSE teachers). Just remember, exams count for 15 to 20% of your entire semester grade, so try your best. It isn’t fun to be right on the line of an A or B or another passing grade, only to fail the exam and not get the grade you strived for. In other words, DON’T BLOW OFF YOUR EXAMS. Exams are exhausting and strenuous, some are 100+ questions, but finish and try your best throughout the entire exam. Remember, if you don’t answer a question then you can’t get it right. If you’re a lucky senior, you might only have a couple of exams to take!
Here is the exam and exam review schedule for the week:
Tuesday-Day 1-
7:30-8:00                    1st period exam review
8:05-8:35                    2nd period exam review
8:40-9:10                    3rd period exam review
9:15-9:45                    4th period exam review
9:50-10:20                  6th period exam review
10:25-10:55                7th period exam review
Then we go to 5th period for lunch       11:00-12:30
1st lunch       11:00-11:25
2nd lunch      11:30-11:55
3rd lunch       12:00-12:25
12:30-2:20                  1st period exam (late arrival can go home)
Wednesday- Day 2-
7:30-9:15                  2nd period exam
9:20-11:05               3rd period exam
We go to 4th period for lunch  11:10-12:30
1st lunch       11:05-11:30
2nd lunch      11:35-12:00
3rd lunch       12:05-12:30
12:35-2:20               4th period exam
7:30-9:15                  5th period exam
9:20-11:05               6th period exam
We go to 7th period for lunch  11:10-12:30 (Early Dismissal can go home)
1st lunch       11:05-11:30
2nd lunch      11:35-12:00
3rd lunch       12:05-12:30
12:35-2:20               7th period exam
If you miss an exam, you have to come on Friday to make it up. It’s a half day, and you still have to be there at 7:30. So try not to miss any exams.
– Katherine Mimms

Can Food Drive

This is the time of the year where most people give back to their community. National Technical Honor Society is sponsoring their 4th annual Grace House Can Food Drive. All students and faculty have been encouraged to donate non-perishable items. Every year countless cans and boxes of food are donated to the Grace House. This can food drive shows how Northeast can come together and help out the community. It is time for Northeast High School to give back to our community in its time of need. The food drive ends on Friday, December 13th, so don’t forget your items. All items can be dropped off to Dr. Weatherspoon’s room. Help out your community and donate to the Grace House Homeless Shelter.

Chantal Brooks

Choir Winter Concert

For those who didn’t watch the choir winter concert on Thursday, you missed an excellent show!
JV Exit One started off the show by singing “Johnny You’re A Solider” and “Go Where I Send Thee”
Exit One, JV Exit One, and Concert Choir all sang “America The Beautiful”, “Winter Storm”, “No Rocks A Crying”, “Carol of The Bells”, and “Do You Hear What I Hear”
All Choirs sang “Calypso Gloria”, “Rise Up Shepherd And Follow”, “Ding Dong Merrily On High”, and “Deck The Halls For All”
While Exit One and JV Exit One were getting dressed for their dance numbers, Stacy White sang her solo of “Little Drummer Boy”.
JV Exit One danced to “A Jingle Bell Christmas” 
Exit One danced to “Nightmare Before Christmas” and the girls of Exit One danced to “Santa Baby”.
At the end of the show all choirs sang “Silent Night” with the audience.
Our performance was paramount to the clashes of thunder outside the theater. Unfortunately, it would end up raining on our parade; literally.
Friday we were supposed to have an in-school performance, but as we all know school got canceled. Saturday we were supposed to go to Guthrie, Kentucky for a parade, sing at the courthouse, and dance at the Cumberland. Sunday we were also going to sing at Grace church, but all weekend events got canceled because of the weather. For those who purchased tickets for the Friday in-school performance, we are still deciding on whether or not we are going to reschedule it. It not, refunds will be issued.

– Haley Palmeri

Auburn Tigers Beat Undefeated Alabama Crimson Tide

If you’re a college football fan, all you’ve been talking about was last nights jaw dropping last second play during the Auburn-Alabama game. If you missed it, here’s the story behind the last second play. Alabama called for a video review so that would add one second to the clock, and they used this time to kick a 57-yard field goal. Alabama coach Nick Saban put some of their biggest players on the field to protect freshman Adam Griffith as he kicked the field goal. worst that could happen is that he gets blocked and the game goes into overtime, right? WRONG. Griffith missed the field goal and the ball was caught by Chris Davis, who in an astounding turn of events was able to run the ball all the way to the opposing teams end zone for a historic last second play. With the larger, slower players on the field, no one could catch up to Davis. The field was practically open and he was able to jog into the end zone, and into the championship of SEC Championship. It was something you should definitely watch, and watch again.


-Dylan Kellogg

Movie Review: Catching Fire

What can I say? That was GREAT movie. If you haven’t seen Catching Fire yet, I advise you to do so soon! In case you haven’t seen it, I won’t ruin the movie for you. Even a week after the premiere, the theater was still packed to the last seat. Though the first movie was a little lacking in some areas, Catching Fire more than made up for it. The acting was superb, the costumes gorgeous and elaborate, the graphics and scenery were just like I envisioned when I read the book. I could hear people in the audience crying, laughing, gasping in fear and anger. The movie was very close to the way the book was written, which is a rarity. Josh Hutcherson got so much cuter! I would say Liam did too, but that’s just not possible. I know everyone who has seen it can NOT wait for the third movie, which by the way, all filming has been completed for. I guess they just want to be cruel and make us wait a whole year for it. At the end of the movie, the whole theater burst into applause. I have rarely liked a movie so much, and I promise you will love it too.
-Katherine Mimms

Creative Writing Piece

The storm was coming. I had been waiting for this my entire life. I grabbed my camera and ran outside. Leaves, branches, and other debris were flying in the air, and the wind had to be going at at least 70 mph.  I snapped all sorts of pictures of the leaves flying around and the dark gray skies. I turned around and there it was-the biggest tornado I’d ever seen. It was coming my way, and I didn’t move. I got on the ground and took so many pictures. I was shaking-not only from the cold, but from the fear that had filled my body. I was just about to stop when the sun came down from the hole of a cloud. The light hit the tornado and it was magnificent. I’d never seen anything like it! I got down once again to take one more picture, and by the time I got up, the tornado had captured me. I felt like I couldn’t breathe, and everything was going so fast. Before I knew it, the tornado flung me onto the ground and it seemed like I was in another universe. I quickly got up and checked myself, nothing had been broken. The only thing different was that I had a vintage Polaroid camera-definitely not my Nikon. I started to walk down the dusty road and into the town. All over people dressed like they were from the  1980s were working and enjoying their lives. I went into a shop and asked for the date. It was 1987. I thanked the kind, old man and as I was walking out he called out to me, “See you later, Judy!” and I looked back and waved kindly. Maybe he thought I was someone else. I shrugged it off and walked down the street. Many people waved to me, all calling me the same name… Judy. The only Judy I’d ever known was my mother, and she died when I was six. I had never really known her. My dad still talked about her, ten years later, with weepy eyes. He’d tell me the story of how they met when they were 20 when they ran off to get married. With all this thinking, I ran into a girl and we both fell over. I apologized and stood up. “I wasn’t looking where I was going, I’m so sorry,” she apologized. I helped her up and our eyes met. It was her, from all the photographs from the scrapbooks around the house, it was my mom. She looked at me, astonished. “You look just like me…” she said quietly. I didn’t know what to say. My dad was right, we did look just alike. I smiled and tried not to cry. I looked at her and told her my name. “I’m Savannah.” She tilted her head, checking me out. She walked all around me, curiously. “I’m Judy. Why haven’t I seen you around? It’s a small town, I know everyone,” she said, stopping right in front of me. She also had a camera hanging from her neck. The whole reason why I got into photography was because of her. It was the only thing I had left of her, every time I took a picture it was for her. “I’m new to the town,” I finally said, after a short period of time. She smiled and took a picture of us suddenly. “Well since you’re new, you’ll have to come with me! I’ll show you around!” she grabbed my hand and started walking. She showed me Times Square, the school, and the church. She explained to me how it was a small town and everyone was accepting and nice. I was very quiet the whole time, because I was still shocked that I was holding hands with my mother. It probably came off that I was being shy when she was trying to open up to me. It started to rain and everyone ran inside except Judy and I. She wanted to take some pictures of the same tornado that pulled me into this world.  I pulled my hair back into a pony tail and Judy noticed my birthmark on my forehead. It looked kind of like a heart. She snapped a picture, but had to wait for the picture to come out before she took another one. She put the film in her bag in a hurry. Just like before, the tornado was going to suck me up. I already knew it. I hugged her goodbye, and faced the music. She called out to me, “You’re crazy-no!” I was gone. I was thrown into the backyard of my house and I went inside. I took out scrapbooks and started going through them, crying. I looked through my baby pictures and off to the side there was something written. “You had a heart shaped birthmark similar to  a girl I met when I was 16. Her name was Savannah, so I named you Savannah,” and underneath the caption, there was the picture of my mother and I- the picture she took of us when we first met.


-Haley Palmeri

Work Hard, Break Hard. NEHS Speech

Forensics. No, not the forensic sciences you see in shows like CSI. Forensics, the art of public speaking, is an art form that Northeast High School excels in through the speech and debate team. In the past, Northeast has gone on to win competition sweeps-stakes trophies, as well as placing in state level competition. This year, the speech and debate team has shown great promise of continuing that history of excellence and is bringing back the hardware to prove it. While Northeast might not have an exceptionally large team, the quality of our speakers and performers is outstanding. Much of this success we can attribute back to our speech coach Mr. Hutson, who works tirelessly to ensure the professionalism and quality of our team. But in the end, our success can only be brought by ourselves, and many of our team members, many of them new to the team, have shown their dominance over the competition. Here is a look at some of the success Northeast High School’s Speech and Debate team has had during the school year:


Portland High School Invitational:

Phoebe Rozelle: 1st in Dramatic Interpretation

Austin Mckain & Lauryn Jennings: 6th in Duet Improvisational Acting

Abbey Brass: 2nd in Poetry

Jonathan Bunton: 2nd in Story Telling, 4th in Prose


White House High School Invitational:

Phoebe Rozelle: 2nd in Dramatic Interpretation

Austin Mckain & Lauryn Jennings: 6th in Duet Improvisational Acting

Dylan Kellogg: 5th in Extemporaneous Speaking

Abbey Brass: 3rd in Prose, 4th in Poetry

Jonathan Bunton: 6th in Story Telling

Rebecca Johnson: 5th in Original Oratory

Austin Mckain: 3rd in Whoppers and Tall Tales


Ravenwood High School Invitational:

Dylan Kellogg: 4th in Extemporaneous Speaking

Ashton Bruce: 2nd in Prose

Morgan Cline: 4th in Prose

Austin Mckain: 5th in Prose, 5th in Humorous Interpretation, 3rd in Poetry


Henry County High School Invitational:

Phoebe Rozelle: 1st in Dramatic Interpretation

Austin Mckain: 2nd in Humorous Interpretation

Ashton Bruce: 4th in Prose, 4th in Poetry


I must say. As President of the Speech Team, that I am very proud of the team representing Northeast this year. These events often have dozens of competitors in them, and to break (get in the top 6) is a merit of its own. We have much more in the way of success ahead of us, and if you would like to be a part of this success, I strongly recommend you look into joining the Speech and Debate team. Public speaking is a skill you will use your entire life, and it is a skill you can gain through our team.

The NFL (National Forensics League, which was created before the National Football League) has much to offer in the way of competitive events. Enjoy current events, or want to be a news caster/reporter? Give Extemporaneous Speaking or TV Broadcasting a try. Like making others laugh? Humorous Interpretation may be for you. Work well with a partner? Duo Interpretation and Duet Improv are available. Good at conveying emotion? Dramatic Interpretation will fit you well. There are many other categories available, including Prose, Poetry, Original Oratory, Debate, and more. See to learn more.

To join us, see Mr. Hutson to learn how to get started. You don’t have to be in the speech class to join the team! We will always welcome new members who are motivated to pursue the art of public speaking, who enjoy acting, or who want to have fun.


–          Dylan Kellogg



Did you know that Halloween first started out as a night to reminisce the deaths of saints and martyrs? It has now evolved to trick-or-treating, costume parties, going to haunted houses and pumpkin patches, and watching scary movies.  

If you’ve never been to a haunted house, you are seriously missing out. There is nothing better than going with a group of friends, knowing that everything is fake but still screaming when the chainsaw dude jumps out at you and then laughing at your friends because they’re scared out of their minds too. A few good haunted houses are Slaughterhouse, Bikers Who Scare, and Bell Witch Cave.

 Go trick-or-treating! I know some people think it’s only for little kids, but hey, it’s fun AND you get free candy. This is the one night of the whole year that it’s okay to take candy from strangers…just don’t follow them into their homes.  You can dress up as a witch, an M&M, Katniss or a zombie; go crazy with your ideas!

While it’s still light outside, go to a pumpkin patch! Boyd’s Pumpkin Patch and Honeysuckle Hill Farm are both really nice ones. Pumpkin patches are really fun, they have corn mazes, hay rides, corn-hole, face painting, many other activities and of course, pumpkins. Even though carving pumpkins can be a little gross, especially when you’re scooping out the guts, it’s something everyone should try at least once. Look up some cool designs, try something like a Minion’s face, or Harry Potter, or you can just go the old-fashioned way with the big eyes and jagged mouth.

Stay safe and have a horror-filled Halloween!

-Katherine Mimms

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