Halloween Media

​Halloween is just around the corner! The time of tricks, treats, creative costumes and candy! But what should you do after you split and trade your gatherings and goods with your friends? To fill that void, why not watch the scariest movies and TV shows of today and previous decades?

​First up is Ouija, the 2014 movie directed by Stiles White. This supernatural horror-thriller stars Olivia Cooke, playing a teenager named Laine Morris, grieved with the supposed suicide of her dear friend Debbie (Shelley Henrig). Laine and her friends decide to take advantage of the empty house to speak with Debbie’s spirit through the Ouija board. However, they wake up a far different evil. This thrilling, special effects filled movie is sure to rattle your bones on such a superstitious night.

​Remember American Horror Story? The erotic, mentally insane show with a new, unrelated story every season. The Murder House, the Insane Asylum, the Coven, and now. . .a Freak Show?! Using the same actors every season for a different character gives the entire series its own, twisted pizzazz. This season is set up in 1952 Jupiter, Florida, telling the story of one of the last remaining freak shows in America and their struggle to survive with their “abnormalities”. Returning actors Sarah Paulson (Bette and Dot Tattler, Siamese twins) and Evan Peters (Jimmy Darling, “lobster hands”) star in this new season, which shows the conflicts and drama between the freaks and the “evil forces’ who don’t understand them and what they are. With the chilling music and eerie, erotic set up, this whole series is a great way to spend your sugar-filled night.

​What if you aren’t for the new and improved scares? Been there, done that. . .you want the original. Well, I’ve got you covered. According to IMDB, the second best Halloween movie is actually Halloween (1981), the start of a rattling series following Michael Myers and his victims. There’s also Psycho (1960), the story of a Phoenix secretary who flees the police to a motel run by a crazed man dominated by his mother. Finally, we have the classic vampire story. The Lost Boys (1987), directed by Joel Schumacher, creates a chilling atmosphere, following two brothers on their quest to vanquish all the vamps in their new town.

​There you have it! Whether you’re splitting your beggar goods or chilling with friends, these movies will make you jump out of your seat. . .or make you feel watched. But that’s just the anticipation from the movie!
​​. . .or is it?

Gavin Berlyak

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