Halloween Costume Ideas for the Cheap and Cheesy

With Halloween just around the corner, it’s likely you’ll be attending a costume party or desperately clinging to your youth by trick-or-treating one last year. With these possibilities presented to you, there is one question you should be asking yourself: what am I going to wear? You could always throw a sheet over your head and call yourself Casper, but that’s a waste of creativity and a perfectly good sheet. Luckily, the Talon Times has compiled a few costume ideas that will be sure to turn heads this Halloween.
For the first look, all you’ll need is the keys to your mother’s stationwagon. On Halloween, spend the whole night sitting in the driver’s seat saying “Vroom vroom!” When someone asks what you’re supposed to be, tell them “In my mum’s car.”
This next look is much less complicated. All you’ll need is a white T-shirt. In black marker, write this on the front: “Ask me what happens when you put me in your pocket.” Whenever you’re asked this question, simply stand up and touch your toes. When someone asks what you’re supposed to be, tell them “I’m iPhone 6.”
For the last look, you’ll need a few things: the right half of a pair of glasses, the left half of a pacifier, the right half of a grey wig, and the left half of a onesy. The idea is to look like your left side is a baby and your right side is an elder. When someone asks you what you’re supposed to be, tell them “0 to 100 real quick.”
Take these ideas and impress your friends with how little effort you put into your costume, or use them as inspiration for your own cheap and cheesy Halloween costumes!

Kalie McClain

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