Important Senior Dates!!!

Attention Seniors!

Towards the end of April and through May there are many important and fun events coming up exclusively for us! Here are the dates you need to remember:


April 28 – May 2: senior week
April 29: Senior Field Day (12:30 to 2:30)
May 1: Senior Cookout (5pm to 7pm)
May 2: Senior Breakfast (1st/2nd period)
March 31 – April 11: Prom Tickets on Sale $58/$115
May 10: Prom! (4:30 to 11:30)
May 17: Senior Trip (7:30 to 7)
May 22: Graduation Practice (9:30am)
May 22: Graduation (6pm)

Mark all of these on your calendars, Seniors!


Abigail Brass

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