Change in Management: Introducing Mr. Tharpe

As I’m sure all of you have heard, our previous principal, Mrs. Jeffries has officially retired and been replaced by Mr. Michael Tharpe. Thank you Mrs. Jeffries for your many years of service to the school system, it was greatly appreciated. But more about our new principal! Principal Tharpe has taught, coached or been principal at almost every school in CMCSS for 19 years…19! He even taught at Northeast in the 90’s! He transferred here from West Creek where he had been assistant principal and Athletic Director. But that’s not all he does! He is also president and CEO of TBT Construction and Home Improvements, a mentor for the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, coaches the Clarksville Express AAU Travel team and YMCA Youth Basketball League, is a board member for the Clarksville Education Foundation, the YMCA, Austin Peay State University Foundation, and the First Missionary Baptist Church. As you can see, he is a very busy man. Let’s hope he helps our school year end the best it possibly can! Again, thank you Mrs. Jeffries. And thank you to Principal Tharpe, and our best wishes with you.

Katherine Mimms

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