

Not many schools get to have TWO Spring Breaks, but we were fortunate enough (sense the sarcasm?) to get an ice storm, and miss school for an entire week. There are NINE days until the real Spring Break 2014 starts for us! It may seem far away, but with planning everything, this next week will fly by. From going to PCB while being 17 years old, where you experience more things when you’re 18, to staying here and enjoying some time with your friends, make this spring break something to always remember! If you’re traveling to another state with friends:
• Use the buddy system at all times (we don’t want a Lifetime movie to be made based on you)
• Don’t take a drink that is already open from someone
• If going out at night, have a check in time where all of your friends text each other saying that you are okay
• Use sunscreen (no one wants to look like a lobster)
• Take a bunch of pictures!
• Have Fun!
Spring is about having the time of your life, but also making sure you are safe. So, have fun and come back with a great tan!

Chantal Brooks

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